09.2019: Arredo3 in partnership with La Cucina Italiana and Vodafone for an app to be savored!

Our ongoing dialogue with publishers allows us to stay up-to-date on projects that arise during the year. The magazines can become real trend setters, mixing the print world with events and collaborations through which the contents are presented in new and appealing forms, to intercept different audiences, which go beyond the usual readership.
This is the case of the partnership that we created in the past few months between Arredo3 and La Cucina Italiana, a

historical magazine of the Condé Nast group, for a series of video-recipes exclusively offered to Vodafone customers through a dedicated app. The company has made available one of its own kitchen, which has become the protagonist of the various clips.
This collaboration, which combines the authority of a prestigious magazine, as La Cucina Italiana is, with the widespread dissemination of the videos ensured by the broad Vodafone user base, has allowed Arredo3 to follow new and unexplored ways to increase its brand awareness.