10.2019: Design, culture and web: the press office for MuDeFri

It’s called MuDeFri_Museo del Design del Friuli Venezia Giulia, which is Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Design Museum, and it’s born on the web with the aim of telling and enhancing the most interesting protagonists and stories of Friulian design, through exhibitions that the public can visit online browsing from room to room.
From the census of women designers in the region, which incorporates an investigation initiated by the Milan Triennale in 2016, to the surprising exhibition on fiberglass, whose patent and initial use in industrial production is due to two businessmen from Udine, the cultural proposals of MuDeFri arise from an accurate research work, which moves under the careful supervision of its founder: Anna Lombardi. And she is also responsible for the creation of Udine Design Week, an offline event that takes place every year in March in the center

of Udine and that the MuDeFri hosts and disseminates from its online pages.
In 2019 the MuDeFri was recognized as a cultural and creative enterprise, receiving European funding from the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and decided, thanks to the technical scientific coordination of Area Science Park of Trieste, to strengthen its communication, entrusting it to a press office that meets high-level professional requirements. Through their tender notice we have been awarded the assignment.
During the six months of our mandate as MuDeFri’s Italian press office, we will present to journalists and editors this innovative project, which in just three years of activity has highlighted many interesting aspects linked to the territory and some of the most stringent and exciting issues in the international design debate.
An assignment that stimulates and gratifies us in being able to make our contribution to the dissemination of design and regional excellence in this area.