07.2020: MuDeFri forerunner of online museums: this is how critics talk about it.

Since the beginning of our mandate, the communication activity for the MuDeFri, Museum of Design of Friuli Venezia Giulia created by Anna Lombardi, has been focused on the innovative aspect of this reality, which since 2016 collects and tells the stories of Friulian design directly online, giving everyone the possibility of being able to access it freely.
The constant work of these months and the fruitful relationships with design editorial staff have given great visibility to this cultural project, both in printing press and on the web. With the latest press release, our press office wanted to highlight a different point of view compared to previous ones that were about museum’s mission and its virtual exhibitions: that of critics.

Cristina Morozzi, Patrizia Scarzella and Virginio Briatore, three prestigious names of design world, expressed their opinion on MuDeFri, focusing on the importance of divulging art, awareness of beauty and how much this reality has anticipated a recent online trend: to publish exhibition itineraries of national and international museums. In fact, because of the health emergency, culture has moved to the web, where people have enjoyed museums, cinemas and theatres on the couch at home.
The contributions of these influencial names of design world have been reported by various magazines: the latest in order of time and highly appreciated is Interni Design Journal, where Claudia Forest has once again dedicated ample space to the Friulian digital museum.